Ein Schiff im Hafen ist sicher. Aber dafür werden Schiffe nicht gebaut.
Deshalb läuft unser neues Flagschiff aus dem Hafen:
Certified Business Process Management (GPM)®
mit unseren neuen bzw. neugestalteten Qualifizierungslehrgängen:
– Certified Business Process Rookie – “Shall be able to understand the needs for a complex process-,organization-, optimization project”
– Certified Business Process Assistant – “Shall be able to support complex process-, organization-, optimization projects him / herself and assist the business project manager of a complex process-project in all elements and aspects of project-, and process management”
– Certified Business Project Manager –“Shall be able to manage complex process-, organization-, optimization projects him / herself and assist the senior manager of a complex process-project in all elements and aspects of project- and process management”
-Certified Business Process Officer –“Shall be able to manage complex process-, organization portfolios him / herself and advise the general manager of a complex process portfolio in all elements and aspects of project-, and process management implementations“
Die Lehrgänge können ab sofort gebucht werden: